[ebook] Panduan Dasar Wordpress

Wordpress is one of CMS ( Content Management System) which at most applied by amenity in its use? By the way…. so what is CMS? CMS is a kind of software bases on web which able to be exploited as web site instantly, mean no more require required [by] specialty in building website. With CMS, we can arrange konten easily and quickly, starts from memposting article, edits it, vanishs it is and others. All the things can be done easily.

For details...please visit to owner of this ebook : Rosihan Ari Yuana in http://blog.rosihanari.net

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[ebook] Panduan dan Mengelola di Multiply

Multiply can be told as website result from collaboration of important element of social networking inspired from site friendship starting popular a few last years with site blog is being popular lately. From so much type site free service feeder of social networking in illusory world, name of Multiply have been loud is heard by among netter approximately 4 year ago. In just Indonesia member of its is now has reached thousands of people. Its the background is also all kinds, starts from student, lecturer, writer, business perpetrator, finite of certain organization either in and also beyond of world wide . Knew You are why they choose joining forces with site being based on in Boca Raton, this the Strait of Florida ? Yupz, because all feature which on the market by Multiply very complete. Not believe? Later we try proving!
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[ebook] Kiat Sukses Promosi Blog

Intention of promotion blog is not other to define existence of blog you that be more knowledgeable many people. In eBook ( electronic book) your this will learn how getting traffic thousands of visitor per day through Search Engine, Promotion method does be better if you apply. In this elektornik book you also will find successful gimmick and important point in activity of promotion blog and how consisting in promotion ethics in it. For the future this eBook will not be free again and of course its more heavily from Free Edition. So soon download and ascertains first you reading it.
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[eBook] Step-By-Step Blogspot Custom Domain

Custom Domain is name of choice domain applied as alternative to replace name of your blog in blogger ( blogspot). You can change address Url from nameblog.blogspot.com to other nameblog.com or by the name of other domain.

eBook Step-By-Step Blogspot Custom Domain is compilation from article o-om.com compiled in such a manner for the shake of facilitating selftaught you does setting custom domain, solution designed is sufficient started from FAQ, advantage and disadvantage, Tips chooses cheap hosting and still many again. Soon you are to downloaded and ascertains catty you friend because you firstly reads it :)

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Winstars 2.0. Simulation Planetarium

this Software is aliance from two sofware, how if aspect the application of Celestia and Stellarium is joined to to become one? Winstars 20-lah the answer. Called as aliance because Winstar to have solar system appearance modus ( like Celestia) as well as planetarium appearance like Stellarium. So if will explore space to apply diesel fuel modus system under menu Observation Mode. While if only wish to look into sky to apply Planetarium mode.

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Solar System 3D Simulator

The application of this suited for becoming guidance to all student. With of you can can study how system kerha solar system especially for the milky way. Like its the application of this of course only as simulation only, how planet orbits and the sun as center orbit.

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Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.1.0

Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.1.0 - a software which can make photo animation during brief without need to have an special expertise ( digital of photography). Result from Morpheus Photo Animation Suite can be kept in format flash, AVI, GIF and bberapa other format.

At Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.1.0 consisted of Morpheus Photo Morpher v310, Morpheus Photo Warper v310, and Morpheus Photo Mixer v310. So we can have 3 fruit of the program from situs its(the opening sold to be separate. At Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.1.0 also there are 15 fruit of example of example layouts Morphs, Warps, and Mixes

Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.1.0

The all-in-one animation suite includes Morpheus Photo Morpher v3.10, Morpheus Photo Warper v3.10, Morpheus Photo Mixer v3.10, as well as all 15 sample morphs, warps, and mixes. If you like animation, you’ll love Morpheus Photo Animation Suite!

• Morpheus Photo Morpher v3.10 : Morphing software that transforms one person or object into another right before your eyes.
• Morpheus Photo Warper v3.10 : Distortion software that warps and exaggerates portions of photos such as body parts.
• Morpheus Photo Mixer v3.10 : Compositing software that mixes up faces and body parts between two photos.
• Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.10 : A suite which contains all Morpheus digital photo animation software titles, plus all of the sample animations.

Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.1.0 Features :

• Easy to use wizard to help you get started, plus all program’s samples to play with Morphing an infinite number of pictures from one to another.
• An Upload Wizard to send your animations directly to Morpheus Galleries, YouTube, or Photobucket.
• Sharing animations with friends and family seamlessly with the built-in email feature
• A completely redesigned program with an incredible new interface for working on multiple pictures.
• A lighting-fast rendering engine for previewing morphs by playing them right inside the program.
• Picture dotting process with changeable colors, shapes, and sizes for creating top quality morphs.
• Rendering morphs in a variety of popular formats including Flash SWF and Animated GIF.
• Exporting morph frames in still formats such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and more.
• Generating sample web page html for each rendered file.
• Saving your layouts as you work, in a portable XML format.
• Zooming to any level for precision dot placement as well as morphing of large images.
• A timeline window to quickly see a thumbnail of every frame in your morph.

Tips & Trick to Install :

1. Download, than extract it.
2. Installing file : MorpheusPhotoAnimationSuite-310.exe
3. fter that, open folder Crack than copied file Morpheus.exe to folder which the folder software was installed (C:\Program Files\Morpheus Photo Animation Suite)
4. Finish

Sample of Marpheus Pictute :

alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5303506462659130098" />



Email Recovery Software v4.21

Email Recovery Software for fast Mail Recovery

Email Recovery Software to recover mail from:
* Outlook (PST files): 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2007
* Outlook Express (DBX files): All versions

Recover My Email is mail recovery software that can recover deleted email messages from either your Microsoft Outlook PST file or your Microsoft Outlook Express DBX files.

If you have accidentally deleted email and need it back, this is the software for you:

#Recovers deleted email in Outlook 98, 2002, 2003 and 2007. More effective than the Inbox Repair Tool.
#Recover Outlook Express - All Versions
#See your deleted messages before you decide to purchase.
#Repair corrupt Microsoft Outlook PST and Outlook Express DBX files
#Save deleted messages into a new error free Outlook PST or as EML files
#Repair Outlook .PST files with the 2GB size limit problem.
#Recovers email attachments and contacts

Download :

Email Recovery Software

Miror :

Rapidshare : Email Recovery Software


National Geographic World - Political Map

National Geographic World - Political Map useful for learn how and why world map should be to break a piece country and make bordering on these country.....for Kids or adult doesn't matter...

download :

Political Map by NGC

Miror :

Rapidshare : Political Map by NGC


WinRar Password Recovery

Mega collection of the programs for breaking of RAR- of passwords

Collection of the programs for breaking of RAR-passwords. Programs allow to get access to the pss archive without a password.

Passware RAR key v7.0
In the work she uses a few methods, that allows to get wonderful results. True, Advanced RAR Password Recovery works slowly enough. Reason of it is good cryptographic defence of passwords in the archives of format of RAR. A selection is made at a speed of 75,000,000 passwords in a minute, not pravdali surprisingly quickly, such program met me on eyes in the first advise to load, in an economy such things always prigodyatsya.

Homepage: lostpassword.com
O.S.: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000

I advise to get those who forgot passwords to the archives of RAR

Advanced RAR Password Recovery 3.01

Advanced Archive Password Recovery is the program for renewal of passwords to the archives of ARJ, ACE, ZIP/WinZIP, RAR/WinRARAdvanced Archive Password Recovery is the program for renewal of the lost passwords to the archives.

The followings formats are supported:
- ARJ/WinARJ (brute-force, dictionary, known-plaintext);
- ACE/WinACE (brute-force, dictionary);
- RAR/WinRAR of versions 2.0 - 2.8 (brute-force, dictionary);
- PKZIP to the version 4.0 (brute-force, dictionary, known-plaintext);
- WINZIP (assured breaking, if in the archive of 5+ files);
- The other ZIP-compatible archivings (brute-force, dictionary, known-plaintext)

Year of output: 2008
Platform: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Medicine is in an archive
Size: 3,62 MB

download :

WinRar Password recovery

Miror :

Rapidshare : WinRar Password Recovery


Multi Password Recovery

Multi Password Recovery (MPR) - multifunctional password decryption, removal and auditing solution for Windows. MPR instantly finds and recovers passwords from more than 80 popular applications (FTP, E-mail clients, IM, Browsers and so on). It can also delete stored passwords, shows passwords hidden under asterisks, copies SAM file and can generate new passwords. Under W2K/XP/2K3 MPR is able to process blocked for reading files.

Changes in Version 1.1.1 (03-Jan-2009)

[!] Portable version of Multi Password Recovery is out now Portable software is a class of software that is suitable for use on portable drives such as an USB drive. Portable MPR version does not require installation, registration key can be stored in 'key.txt' file, all application settings are also stored in a file. This version leaves a near-zero "footprint" on any PC it's run on after being used. All temporary files/registry settings are removed once the program has exited.

[+] New modules: Pandion, UPSMon, QIP.Online, JAJC (Just Another Jabber Client), Web Site Publisher (c) Brian Cryer, Digsby, Apple Safari, Google Chrome
[+] MPR checks for the update on start every 7 days
[+] Implemented Mozilla Firefox 3 password decryption
[+] FileZilla 3 account processing is now supported
[+] Added Spanish translation (thx Christian Olaechea M.)
[-] Fixed Windows product key retrieval (System Info module)
[-] Removed memory leak in Firefox decryption module




Just For Limited Personal Only.....

Just For Limited Personal Only.....

Please to upload data or document what you want :

1. ATP Form for BSC/TC/MFS/SOW
2. BSC-MFS Configuration
3. DDF Nexan Installation Procedure

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PDF Password Remover

Dengan berkembangnya e-book sebagai sarana yang simple dan efektive untuk media ruang baca dan banyak juga topik e-book yang dalam hal ini berformat .PDF sangat privacy untuk semua orang sehingga pdf tersebut di-password demi keamanan, namun celakanya jika kita lupa password yang entry tadi. Jangan bingung, saya mempunyai solusi untuk hal tersebut. Gunakan PDF Password Remover untuk membongkar password PDF anda, dan kami tidak bertanggung jawab kalau membongkar password PDF orang lain........

PDF Password Remover 3.02

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Folder Lock

Folder Lock.....mungkin sangat berguna bagi yang mempunyai private file yang tidak menginginkan semua orang bisa melihat...aplikasi ini bisa me-lock Folder yang akan kita proteksi...cukup simple...dengan encryption code yang lumayan high.....
silahkan download disini :

Folder Lock


MathforKids for Pocket PC

MathforKids......sangat berguna bagi anak-anak yang baru belajar matematika.....sangat interaktif, simple dan menarik...........silahkan download software yang berbasis Windows Mobile disini..

MathforKids for PPC


Spb Trevel for PPC

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Spb Trevel for PPC


Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Judul yang "aneh".....jaman sekarang masih belajar bahasa inggris....
namun begitulah.....belajar tidak mengenal umur dan waktu.....tidak ada salahnya
untuk mempelajari bahasa inggris ini...baik bagi yang sudah was-wis-wus....atau yang masih cas-cis-cus.....bahasa inggris-nya......

silahkan download e-book disini :

E-book Belajar Bahasa Inggris


Windows Speed Secret


ada beberapa tip&trick untuk optimasi windows kita agar speed-nya tambah cepat...
e-book ini memberikan beberapa solusi untuk optimasi agar windows XP maupun Vista kita bisa lebih perform. Silahkan mencoba disini :

Windows Speed Secret


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